The Outsider by K'Anne Meinel

A street person, thrown out by her family, becomes a lottery winner.

The outsider

Joy Parker had the perfect childhood.  Doted on by her parents, she couldn’t imagine her childhood any different.  As a child and later a young adult, she’s ignored by her much older siblings, made to feel the outsider…until a tragedy occurs, altering her life in ways she couldn’t possibly have imagined. 

The next few years of her life are vastly different from her parents’ hopes and dreams for her.  Then suddenly, another life-altering event changes the course of her life and she must make decisions she never dreamt possible.  Winning the largest lottery in Wisconsin history opens the flood gates of possibility and means Joy must again decide which direction to take with the rest of her life. 

What would you do if you won $341,726,178.10 after taxes?  Come along for the ride as we discover what Joy Parker decides to do with it….

Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Lesbian

Language: English

Keywords: Lesbian, Romance, Lottery

Word Count: 140068

Sales info:

Excellent selling book

Sample text:

 “Isn’t she the most perfect baby?” cooed her mother, Louise Parker.

“Well, we could have said that about the other four too,” grinned her father, Amos Parker.

“Yes, but they weren’t our tiny surprise bundle,” she gushed, not realizing the other four were already glowering at the tiny, pink bundle in their mother’s arms.  Their mother, not its.  They’d already exchanged looks and were in agreement about it.  This was their mother, not this unwanted usurper’s.  They had all been shocked when their mother announced at her esteemed age that she was pregnant, again.  It was embarrassing.  It was disgusting that their parents had even engaged in ... sex!  In this day and age when it was legal, the two oldest had the temerity to suggest she abort it.  The resounding slaps had been heard and almost felt by the other two.  No mention of her getting rid of the baby was ever made again.  Now, instead, they smiled half-heartedly as their mother went on and on about the tiny bundle of ... joy.  They exchanged looks once more and they were all in full agreement: this was not their sister, this was not any joy for them, this was an embarrassment. 

Some of their resentment was understandable.  Their parents had worked hard during the four teens’ lives and now that they should be enjoying a little of the fruits of their labors, perhaps not working as hard, they had a new baby to dote on.  The four teens resented it and hadn’t been shy about letting their parents know.  Their parents were puzzled as they felt they had doted on all their children.  This surprise baby should be welcomed by all, but she was not.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Adriana Boccaloni

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
