The Luck of the Weissensteiners by Christoph Fischer

Historical family drama about a Jewish family and their friends in Bratislava 1933 until after WW2

The luck of the weissensteiners

In the sleepy town of Bratislava in 1933 a romantic girl falls for a bookseller from Berlin. Greta Weissensteiner, daughter of a Jewish weaver, slowly settles into life with the Winkelmeier clan. The political climate and slow disintegration of the multi-cultural society in Czechoslovakia becomes more complex and affects relations between the couple and their families.
The story follows their lot through the war with its torment, destruction and its unpredictability - and the equally hard times after.

The Luck of the Weissensteiners is an epic saga set in wartime Eastern Europe. It follows the lives of two families - one Jewish, one Catholic - and their entwined survival amidst the backdrop of the second world war; first the fascist then the communist invasion and occupation of Slovakia, and the horror of the consequences of war. The reader is transported to a world of deception, fear, distrust and betrayal, alongside enduring love and family drama. Weissensteiners is a magnificent tale of human survival.

Genre: FICTION / Historical

Language: English

Keywords: Holoacust, Slovakia, World War II, Czechoslovakia, Jews, Jewish History, Historical novel

Word Count: 143000

Sales info:

396 Reviews on Amazon, 4.1 out of 5 stars
Was No 1 in Free Download Charts for 3 days
Sells between 50 - 500 worldwide a month
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Sample text:

“Does he not mind you being Jewish, that German book boy?” Jonah asked her one evening over dinner.

“I am not sure he even knows yet,” Greta told him. “The way he talks about the Jews, it doesn't seem to have any reference to me at all.”

“In that case you should bring the matter up soon before this 'book lending' goes any further,” Jonah lectured.

“He seems very smitten with you my darling daughter. It wouldn't hurt to get it out of the way before you waste any more of your time on him or any of his time on you.”

“I like him. He thinks a lot.”

“Oh he thinks a lot does he?” Jonah said. “Thinking alone will only give him a headache.”

“Do you like him father?” Greta asked, ignoring his previous statement.

“Does it matter if I like him? You must like the goy and make sure he does not mind your family,” her father warned. “I'll like him enough if he makes you happy; even if he thinks all day until his head hurts. If a thinker you want, a thinker you shall have.”

“He seems such a gentle man from what I can tell from our short meetings but I still need to get to know him better,” she admitted.

“You take as long as you like to make up your mind. I hope you realise that he has already made up his mind about you. I don't think we need to wait much longer for a proposal from this one.”

“I am not so sure. There are plenty of girls who make eyes at him, maybe he just loves talking about books. That could be all he wants from me,” Greta said more to herself than to her father.

“Yes, if you were a fifty year old librarian that probably would be all,” Jonah said with a roaring laugh. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Alexandra Gentara
Already translated. Translated by Cibelle Roberta Marques Ravaglia
Already translated. Translated by Francisco ANAYA

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
