The Caregiver by Elaina J. Davidson

A caregiver acts as confessor to an infamous patient.

The caregiver

A caregiver acts as confessor to an infamous patient.

Emma Reed is Ward Sister at a frail care centre. When Celeste Harwood is admitted, she is suspicious of the woman’s motives. Has Celeste come to hide from the world? If so, that is not right; her bed is needed for someone deserving.

When Emma sees how wary the nurses are of Miss Harwood, she understands something else is at work. Her doctor arrives and tells a tale of murder, of a woman about to suffer a terrible death, and Emma’s curiosity is aroused.

Fortunately, Celeste wants to share her story …

Genre: FICTION / Medical

Secondary Genre: FICTION / General

Language: English

Keywords: murder, frail care, paranormal, crime, connection

Word Count: 8400

Sales info:

This is a new release.

Sample text:

AT TWO, MISS Celeste Harwood entered the precincts of the frail care centre, and her arrival instantly created unease.

In a wheelchair pushed by one of the paramedics, she sat bolt upright, her every hair in place, her makeup flawless. With red hair cut short, sleek curls hugged the woman’s thin face, and pink blush lent her cheeks the guise of health, and coral lipstick her lips a robust appearance. She wore a colourful robe, shimmering silk, with matching slippers on her feet. This wasn’t hospital garb, but it was bedwear, if of the kind one found in the boudoirs popular in historical romance novels.

Emma noticed that the paramedic seemed uncomfortable, handing his charge over with haste and few words. Hannah, who accepted the paperwork, glanced down, then looked up swiftly to gape at the woman as if she could not believe her eyes.

“It’s Miss Celeste,” a young nurse whispered to the other beside her.

Someone famous, Emma reasoned, and moved to put all speculation to bed. “Let us get Miss Harwood to her room,” she stated, snapping her fingers when the nurses were tardy in their response.

Not one to read gossip-type magazines and hardly ever on social media, Emma had no idea who the woman now in their care was, and did not care either. Rich, poor, famous or not, here it was about the final days, not about personalities and celebrities.

The woman’s large green eyes swung to Emma, to study her in some amusement, but her expression was otherwise neutral. She allowed the nurses to wheel her away without saying a word. As she disappeared, Hannah approached, her mouth already open to spill the gossip.

“Not now,” Emma frowned. “I need to have a word with her doctor.”

Hannah’s lips glued shut briefly, but then she whispered, because she could not help herself, “That’s Miss Celeste, the Seer.”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Toseef Ahmad
Author review:
An absolute pleasure working with Toseef Ahmad, prompt, professional and easy to communicate with. Definitely recommend!
Already translated. Translated by Alessandra Gazzella Furfaro
Author review:
Once again, for project number 3, Alessandra proved how lovely it is to work with a true professional!
Already translated. Translated by Marcelo Martins
Author review:
I would like to thank Marcelo Matins for his professional attitude and work ethic, and am beyond happy with the final result of our project. Highly recommended.
Already translated. Translated by Silvia Adriana Domingo Puga
Author review:
It is an absolute pleasure to work with Silvia. professional, great with deadlines, keeps to original formatting, friendly and easy to communicate with. Highly recommend Silvia's services.

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