The Beastlands II, Skulls And Bones by Kenneth Bostian

The Beastlands II is the exciting sequel to "The Beastlands"

The beastlands ii, skulls and bones

The Beastlands II is the exciting sequel to "The Beastlands"
All new adventures with our Heroes Trey Battles and Elle Pritchard , Not to mention our favorite Bigfoot Dashan
Trey and Elle along with new friends must find a way to battle marauding dragons and save their way of life.


Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / General

Language: English

Keywords: beasts, creatures, monsters, Indians, Bigfoot, Dragons

Word Count: 29,409

Sample text:

We had been in the valley for about two weeks now mostly resting and doing a little exploring to the south of the nearby little river that took us to this lovely place Elle calls Mammoth Valley. Elle has been really taken by the lush scenery of the countryside and I agree it seems like the kind of place that a man and woman could settle down and make a good life out of things. There is an abundance of game and fish as well as plenty of fresh water.

Elle has spent much of her time mending and altering some of her clothes and tanning some of the deer hides as best we can. Elle's little Indian style boots need new soles, and the longer we stay here we will need to eventually use the deer skins for shirts and pants.

Dashan our favorite Bigfoot friend has been in and out also hunting and exploring, doing those Bigfoot things. Thanks to Dashan we have been able to keep a good supply of meat on the table. Dashan's ability to throw rocks is incredible, using great speed and accuracy, not to mention the rocks kill in silence and I do not have to use my rifle. I still have about eighty cartridges or so and when those bullets are gone that will be it, the rifle will be useless and we will revert back to the stone age totally.

We have our spears taken from the Zog with the long Clovis style points that are great for rabbits and spearfishing. The spears are formidable for protection also. Dashan has been working on his spear making skills also, he seems to have more skill now as he has practiced a lot. I found that my wet stone can put a very sharp edge on our points making them even more deadly.

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