The Adventures of Wookas and Izzy by Angela Ellington

The Start of Good Friendship

A shy small town girl who only had her mother soon realizes the joy...

The adventures of wookas and izzy

A shy small town girl who only had her mother soon realizes the joy of having a special friend after moving to the big city. This is a fastastic little book about friendship.

Angela Ellington is a young author born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. She has two daughters and loves writing about her experiences. She began writing after having interesting experiences in her life.

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Family / General

Language: English

Keywords: small town, mother, friends, Atlanta

Word Count: 507

Sample text:

There once was a girl named Wookas, who lived alone with her mommy. Wookas looked very exotic with beautiful long curly hair like her mom. They lived in a small town called Three Rivers.


She was very quiet and shy, but still wished for a friend. She spent all of her days with her mommy, which would change one day. The day came that would change Wookas’ life. She found out she would be moving to a big city. She would be moving to Dallas Texas. This frightened Wookas because she was used to living in her small town. The day Wookas and her mommy left their home to travel to their new house Wookas cried.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Jamie Marais
Already translated. Translated by A. Bressers
Already translated. Translated by Ju Pm and Christina Wieling
Already translated. Translated by Debora Salvo
Already translated. Translated by Matheus Santos
Already translated. Translated by Delfina Sueiro

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
