Stock Market For Beginners Book by John Border, Evan J. Houpt

An ebook for those who are looking to start investing in the stock market.

Stock market for beginners book

We  have written this book as a beginners guide to investing in stocks. This book covers stock market basics and gives you a complete guide to understanding the stock market for beginners.

We ourselves struggled initially to understand what this stock market is all about. Now we do reasonably well as a stock investor. Though we must say that we only invest from a long term perspective. 

Several questions which we had when I began investing have been answered like 

What are Stocks ? 
What is NYSE or NASDAQ
How should I start saving and begin investing. 
Should I invest for long term or short term. 
This and much more..


Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English


Word Count: 35000

Sales info:

It sells abouyt 100 copiues on Amazon and another 100 copies worldwide excluding Amazon.

Sample text:

I have always had an interest in business and investing. During my years as an engineer for one of the Big Three automakers, I began to pay attention to the financial markets and started faithfully reading the Wall Street Journal. When the internet started making information about the stock market accessible to ordinary people, I started reading the online financial gurus. In fact, I still believe that online stock charts are the greatest thing to happen in the financial marketplace since the New York Stock Exchange opened its doors.

This book is written for the retail investor who wants an overview of the market in easily understandable terms and a clear explanation of how the pieces fit together. My goal is to leave you with a practical working knowledge of the stock market with a minimum cost of time and frustration when you finish this book.

I don't recommend particular stocks, and other than some time-tested strategies that every investor should know, I don't recommend a particular technique or philosophy. That's because I don't follow financial gurus, and in my opinion, you shouldn't either. I do include some methods from the experts in Chapter 6, but only so you can compare different approaches and examine them with a critical eye. My first accountant told me, "Evan, nobody cares about your money as much as you do." That advice has stayed with me and spurred me to keep learning. Knowledge is power – power that allows me to maintain complete control over my investments and not be taken in by the latest and greatest investment fad without examining it for myself and seeing whether it passes the smell test.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Adeline Le Xuan
Already translated. Translated by Mauricio Chinemann
1 2 3 4 5
Author review:
Mauricio did a fantastic job of the working on the translation. Extremely professional and extremely talented. He did the job really really well. Will work with him again for sure
Already translated. Translated by Alejandro Robles Vargas

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