Speed Reading: Practical Strategies to Learn Boost Productivity by Thomas Smith

(18) Practical Strategies to Learn Boost Productivity

Speed reading: practical strategies to learn boost productivity


This book contains all of the information that you need to learn how to become a speed reader in no time. So many people waste their time reading at a slow pace, using many of the techniques that they learned as children in their reading even when they are adults. This is slowing them down so much, and they are missing out on some of the great things that they could be learning in the process. 

When you are ready to increase your reading speed and see some results while saving yourself time and opening up more opportunities in the world, then make sure to check out this guidebook and learn everything that you need to know to become an expert speed reader in no time. 

You can help others to overcome this social plague from becoming victims of manipulation by teaching and counseling them to develop human psychological and intuitive skills relevant in living a positive social lifestyle, and they will grow successfully in interpersonal relationships.

If you finish this book and apply the principles laid out in it, you will most likely immediately see positive changes within the relationships that you have with other people. This will lead to you being more popular among others and getting more respect and reverence. 

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: EDUCATION / General

Language: English

Keywords: speed reading, reading, learning, memory, brain training, memory improvement, memorizing, test, marks, study, studying

Word Count: 5325

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Sample text:

Another useful way of widening your ‘reading vision’ is to train your muscles to remain relaxed as you read. When you frown or hold a rigid facial expression, this tightens the muscles around your eyes, therefore making it more likely that you will remain focused on only one or two words at a time. In contrast, reading with a soft, relaxed gaze will allow your vision to literally expand and take in several words at a time. The following exercise is an excellent way of relaxing your facial muscles prior to a reading session.

Sit up straight in your chair and look straight ahead. Frown as hard as you can for a count of five, and then release your muscles. Feel the tension seep away as you resume a neutral expression. Now take a deep breath and screw up every muscle in your face as hard as you possibly can. Again, hold this position for a count of five. Relax your features. Repeat these exercises 2-3 times before beginning to read. If you find yourself struggling to read more than one or two words at a time, you may find that repeating the above exercises helps by releasing any tension you may be feeling. Sometimes reading itself can be a source of tension – especially for those of us who had difficulty in learning how to read at school

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Nadine Brum
Translation in progress. Translated by Jose Zambrano

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
