Sheltering At Home by Stephanie Albright


Book 2 of the EMP series

Sheltering at home

Sophie and Jeb begin their new life together just months after an EMP hits the United States destroying the grid and transportation system. Sophie survived the first days, walking home fifty-eight miles from Birmingham. Now she and Jeb are building a new life in this new world, along with his family. They are sheltered in their rural community and have been spared many of the hardships that the rest of the country has faced, but how long will that continue and will they be ready to face all the challenges ahead?

Genre: FICTION / Dystopian

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic

Language: English

Keywords: EMP, survival, SHTF, Grid-down, preppers

Word Count: 40,000

Sales info:

The series is doing very well. 

Sample text:

The long nights and short days of January and February were the perfect time to begin a marriage. Jeb and I talked and made love and lived in our own cozy bubble for two months before the urgency of spring came and pried us outside for the endless chores of growing food for survival. 

“Let’s go for a walk. The sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day,” I said, one afternoon in mid-January. 

“Anything you want, my love,” Jeb said, bowing.

I rolled my eyes.”We need vitamin D or our bones will get brittle.”

“We do not want that. Let me get my boots.” 

“Let’s make a lap around the pond,” I said, grabbing his hand.

As we rounded the corner that brought us in front of my old house, we saw Oliver building something in the front yard.

“Do you need some help?” Jeb asked.

“Oh hey, y’all. I’m just building an antenna for my ham radio. I should have cut mine apart and brought it, but I had no idea we would find a place with power.”

“We could go get it.” 

“Hell, I guess we could. Why didn’t I think of that?”

“Sometimes it’s the obvious solution that’s the hardest to see,” I said

“Let me go round up a couple of my brothers and we’ll go with you. It won’t take us long to get it. You don’t mind if I go, do you, Soph?”

“Of course not. The radio will be a valuable resource for us all. I’ll find something to do while you are gone.”

“Son, those are scary words she just said,” Oliver said, laughing.



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Matteo Serrago
Translation in progress. Translated by João Roberto Silva
Already translated. Translated by MISLIBROS ENCASTELLANO

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
