Pongs and Poems by Georgie Eliotwell

An anthology of only 37 pages

Pongs and poems

There are two poems in this book – My Father is a Gorilla and, I Remember Charlie.

The rest are ‘pongs’. The word pong, in the context of this book, is a piece of writing that is a cross between a poem and a song. The word itself is a hybrid, created from the first two letters of poem and the last two letters of song. The pongs were mostly made up in my head as I drove to and from work on the motorway. For years they were never written down. I simply grew to remember them by ‘singing them’ (I use the term loosely) to myself on my daily journeys.

In this book there is no music to go with the pongs but attempts have been made in the past to combine them with music. If I try singing them however the result – to use a fitting colloquialism – stinks, because I am such a bad singer. If any reader wants to put any of the pongs to music then I would be delighted to hear the result, so please do get in touch through social media.

Genre: POETRY / General

Secondary Genre: MUSIC / Lyrics

Language: English

Keywords: poems, lyrics

Word Count: 5110

Sales info:

I think one ebook and about three paperback books have been bought.

Sample text:

I remember Charlie – bottom in English

I remember Charlie – bottom in Maths

I remember Charlie – bottom in History

Why Charlie sat exams is surely a mystery


I remember Charlie alone in the playground

I remember big kids kicking Charlie all around

I remember Charlie, last in the race

Puffing home behind the rest, red in the face.


But, I’ll remember Charlie to my last and dying day

Not for all these stupid things or for what he used to say

No, I’ll remember Charlie for his one undying art

I remember Charlie ‘coz Charlie could fart!

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by René Asgautsen
Author review:
Working with René has been absolutely excellent! He takes real pride in his work. He translated my poems and made every effort to retain and balance so many difficult (and often competing) things - rhyme, rhythm, meaning, metaphor, humour - and would check with me if uncertain. His communication was excellent and he kept to deadlines. From the notes of explanation he gave me as he translated and from my own checking with translation software I am very confident that he has done a really good job. Many thanks, René
Translation in progress. Translated by Carlos Henrique Marques
Already translated. Translated by Magdalena Agustina Chavero
Author review:
I have given Magdalena a 5* rating because there is nothing that I can fault in terms of the process that we went through. She was enthusiastic, communicated well and completed her work in a timely fashion. She was very receptive to my comments and suggestions. I do not speak Spanish and have no bilingual friends that I can approach for an opinion on the quality of translation. Poetry, I imagine, is difficult to translate and when I questioned one or two elements she reported that she had discussed them with other people who spoke both languages well. What remains to be seen is whether my book (somewhat esoteric even in English) sells in Spanish ... and is liked!

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
