"Poems People Liked (2)" by Jonathan Finch

a collection of previously published poems

"poems people liked (2)"

All the poems in "Poems People Liked (2)" have been published in anthologies and small magazines in the UK.

Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Death

Language: English

Keywords: poetry, suicide, rebirth, free verse, lyrical

Word Count: 30,000 words

Sales info:

four- and five-star reviews

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Giulia Ciaramita
Author review:
Giulia was easy to work with and responded to any issues with fast and immediate corrections.
Already translated. Translated by Alisson Gomes de Assis
Author review:
Though not understanding Portuguese, I found this translator committed and easy to work with.
Already translated. Translated by Rodolfo Alejandro Parada Pinto
Author review:
I can't assess the quality of the translation because though I can understand some Spanish (because I am fluent in Italian), I can't go any further. I am giving a good score because it was easy to work with this translator, he is professional, helpful, committed. He is reliable, and responds quickly to any queries.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
