To live in the moment, you have to learn to let go of any distracting thoughts. This may be hard to do at first, but after weeks of mindfulness practice, this will become easier and more natural.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
.When And Where Did Mindfulness Start?
.How to Practice Mindfulness
.Mindfulness Meditation Techniques
.Body Scan Meditation
.How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation
.How to Live a Mindful Life: Tips
.Develop a Mindful Evening Routine: How To
Much, much more!
Mindfulness is an inexpensive way to improve the quality of your life. It improves your concentration and cognitive skills. It improves your work performance and most importantly, it increases the level of your happiness.
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / MeditationIf you want to achieve mindfulness, you should also train your active listening skills. You should start to do this technique when making unimportant conversations with the people around you. When talking with your coworkers at work for instance, you should employ active listening even when they are just talking about things that are unimportant to you.