Megan is a 13-year-old teenage girl, who realises that she has psychic powers that others do not have. At first, she tried to talk to her mother about them, but with disastrous consequences, so she learned to keep quiet about them.
However, some people did offer to help and an animal showed a special friendship, but they were not 'alive' in the normal sense of the word. They had passed on.
Megan has three such friends: Wacinhinsha, her Spirit Guide, who had been Sioux in his last life on Earth; her maternal grandfather, Gramps and a huge Siberian tiger called Grrr.
Wacinhinsha is extremely knowledgeable in all things spiritual, psychic and paranormal; her grandfather is a novice 'dead person' and Grrr can only speak Tiger, as one might imagine and most of that, of course is unintelligible to humans.
In this episode, Megan uses her powers to look for a lost cat in answer to an advert. The owner of the cat turns out to be the mayoress and she is very grateful.
Megan’s parents encourage the friendship and Megan enjoys the new world of politics that she is introduced to, but her Spirit Guide, Wacinhinsha urges caution.
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Afterlife & ReincarnationThe sales of this book are good, but affected by sales of the previous volumes
Sam Jones’ article in the local paper, ‘The Herald’, about how Megan had found the mayoress' cat, caused quite a stir in the local community, although Megan was only aware of it in as much as it affected her at school on the Friday following its publication on Thursday afternoon.
Sam had reported honestly what Megan had said, so she didn't have a problem with that, but she was glad that it came out at the end of the week, so that she had all weekend to work out how to deal with her new-found particular form of fame, although no-one had said anything bad about her or the article so far.
Her close friends were all mellow with the situation because she had been talking to most of them about her beliefs and supernatural powers for six or seven years already. Some had even said that they were capable of them too, although none of them had proved any ability to Megan, not that she thought any the worse of them for it.
She realised even at that tender age of thirteen that some people had to conform and that some that may have had a glimmer, might have had it knocked out of them as her mother and grandmother had tried to knock it out of her.
She did not condemn her friends for that, but she did feel sorry for them despite Wacinhinsha having said that all is Karma, so pity was irrelevant.
None of the teachers mentioned the article either and nor did her mother when she got home from school, although she could see that she had read it, because the paper was lying on the table open to the article.
She was glad that Fate had taken a hand in outing her as a psychic person, she was not ashamed of it, quite the contrary.
Her mother’s face looked as if the world had caved in, but she was battling with inner demons of her own making, or possibly of her own mother’s making, but obviously she had not been strong enough to stand up for herself.
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Already translated.
Translated by Brigitte Jean and Alessandra Elisa Paganin
Author review: Yet another excellent piece of work by the duo! |
Already translated.