Megan and the Cookery Competition by Owen Jones

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!

Megan is persuaded to enter a cooking competition and sees the not so nice face of competition

Megan and the cookery competition

Megan and the Cookery Competition

Megan is persuaded to go in for the Women's Institute annual cooking competition, which her mother enters every year. They both have a great time, but Megan gets to see the darker way competition affects some people using her Third Eye.

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Afterlife & Reincarnation

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Angels & Spirit Guides

Language: English

Keywords: cooking competitions, Spiritualism, Auras, Third Eye, intuition, Women's Institute, Spirit Guides

Word Count: 11,000

Sales info:

Sales are OK, but depend on the sales of previous editions

Sample text:


One Sunday afternoon during the school summer holidays, after the regular feature film, while they were still waiting for their enormous lunch of roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes, boiled new potatoes, peas, beans and carrots from the garden, with mint sauce, followed by a dessert of rhubarb crumble and custard, to go down, the family was watching a cookery competition on TV.

“I've been thinking for some time now, Megan, that you should have started to learn how to cook by now. I know that you dabbled with French cooking after our holidays there, but I mean traditional Welsh and British cuisine. I was only seven or eight when I started to help my mother out in the kitchen. How about you, Robert, did you help your mother cook?”

“Oh, yes! See that scar on my thumb there?” He leaned forward so they could get a better look. “It's only an inch long now and doesn't look much, but that was the whole side of my thumb when I was six. Mam sewed it back on with a needle and thread while we were waiting for the ambulance to arrive.”

“What happened, Daddy?”

“I don't remember it, to be honest, but apparently, I used to help Mam in the kitchen, shelling peas, snapping beans, cutting out biscuits and Welsh cakes with the pastry-cutter, that sort of thing, and one day, I tried to get a plate out of a cupboard when her back was turned doing the washing up. I fell, smashed the plate and took a big slice out of my thumb...”

“And you want me to help in the kitchen? Don't most accidents in the home take place in the kitchen as well?”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Luc Wyn
Author review:
Luc has turned in another perfect translation beautifully formatted
Already translated. Translated by ilyasse KOURRICHE
Author review:
Another brilliant job by Ilyasse.
Already translated. Translated by Valeria Volponi
Author review:
Valeria made a wonderful job of both the translation and the formatting.
Already translated. Translated by Naira L.
Author review:
Another first-class translation by Naira.

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