"Light overcomes the darkness" tells the true story of three journeys. One entails an adoption. A second involves a spiritual quest. And the third is the search for a biological family. It also reveals how purpose can be discovered, and why darkness can't overcome the light.
Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Adoption & FosteringLife may look like a series of coincidences, but it is so much more! The ecosystems in the biosphere didn’t just happen to interact or develop in such a way as to enhance life on this planet. There is no way they could just evolve into organisms by accident. There had to be a mastermind behind it all- a giver and sustainer of life.
Language | Status |
Already translated.
Translated by Sylvie de Tauriac
Author review: Sylvie de Tauriac is very easy to work with, and an excellent translator! |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Maria Del Rocío Alcalá Chabolla