Lesbian Tongue Goddess by Sybille

Jessie never guesses the real reason Charlane wants to vacation with her at the All-Womyn Luv Goddess Beach Resort.

Lesbian tongue goddess

Jessie never guesses the real reason Charlane wants to vacation at the All-Womyn Luv Goddess Beach Resort.

On a remote Caribbean beach next to raw tropical rain forest jungle, this lesbian-only resort hides a divine secret, and Jessie freaks out when she discovers the Goddess wants to devour her with a giant, warm wet slick tongue - and learns to enjoy the Goddess in every orifice of her body.

The ordinary life satisfies Jessie. Working as a pizza delivery driver. Sharing an apartment and bed with Charlane. Eating to nourish her bountiful curves.

She enjoys her fingers on Charlane, and Charlane's fingers on her -- but never reaches the height of ecstasy. Never dreams she could, can, or should.

Despite Charlane's love and acceptance, deep down Jessie does not appreciate herself. Her beauty and sex appeal. That her weight just gives her more curves to pleasure Charlane.

More curves to feel her own pleasure with it.

So Jessie hides within her shell, content to retreat from life.

But Charlane wants more -- more from life. For herself and -- because of her love for Jessie -- for Jessie.

Charlane discovers the lesbian-only All-Womym Luv Goddess Beach Resort hosts a goddess celebration one weekend a year. So she twists Jessie's arm to go, but doesn't tell Jessie the full truth, knowing Jessie would refuse to go if she understood Charlane's plan.

At midnight of the Goddess Celebration, Jessie wins the Grand Prize -- a close, personal encounter with the Tongue Sex Goddess herself.

Many orgasms later, Jessie's life changes forever . . .

Genre: FICTION / Erotica / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Lesbian

Language: English

Keywords: bbw, big beautiful women, plus sized woman, tentacle monster, tongue monster, lesbian oral sex, curvy, rubensque, fullfigured, full-figured, cunnilingus, goddess, licking pussy, eating pussy, tentacle, mouth, anus, analingus, anal play, beach vacation, holiday resort, jungle, pagan, kissing, caressing, orgy, menage, fff, group sex, all-woman, penetration, girls, vagina, vaginal, clitoris, clit, group, worship, orgasm, tropical resort

Word Count: 7,000

Sample text:

Hours later, stomach swollen even larger than usual, drinking yet another daiquiri, feeling warm and at peace with the universe, Jessie turned to Charlane sitting at the table beside her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" She had to shout to be heard over the music. Plenty of women were dancing. Jessie knew she drank too much, because she wanted to join them, even though she'd take up half the patio by herself.

"You're so difficult, sometimes," Charlane said. "Prickly, like a thorn bush. I heard about this online."

"But I love to eat," Jessie said, waving at the empty plates in front of them.

"It's not over yet," Charlane said. "There's the contest at midnight."

"Oh, yes," Jessie said dismissively. "I'd go back to our cabin, but I'm too full to move."

"You'll enjoy it," Charlane said.

Chapter 8

At about quarter to twelve, the band played one last fast song for dancing. Then they switched to a slow, solemn music intense and serious, reminding Jessie of the church music she heard in movies.

The resort staff, who had already cleared off the buffet table of food, began extinguishing some of the lamps and candles. They left just two torches to highlight Bettina and Maria standing in front of the band, each with a microphone.

One candle burned in the middle of all the tables, the flames flickering in the ocean breeze.

Not until then did Jessie notice the full moon hanging huge in the sky.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Christiane Jost
1 2 3 4 5
Already translated. Translated by Kate González
1 2 3 4 5

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