Leadership: Improve Communication In Business And Easily Influence Team Memebers To Achieve Success by Napoleon Serrat

Improve Communication In Business And Easily Influence Team Memebers To Achieve Success

Leadership: improve communication in business and easily influence team memebers to achieve success


There is a distinct difference between how one whose core faith is that Muhammad(Peace be upon him) was the Messenger of Allah and how someone who does not hold this belief, writes about him. This book, however, is not simply an analysis of history. It is a labor of love and reverence while being analytical and objective. It is an attempt by one who not only believes that Muhammad(Peace be upon him) was the best leader that ever existed but who believes in him and his message and wants to share it. The life of Muhammad(Peace be upon him) the Messenger of Allah is rich and full of lessons. It has been so well documented and so much has been written about his life over the centuries that another attempt is almost unnecessary. However, I decided to write this for two reasons: to make the lessons from the life of Rasoolullah(Peace be upon him) relating specifically to leadership easily accessible to the seeker, whether Muslim or not; and to make an attempt to see how these lessons are applicable today in a world that is in principle, very similar to the world he lived in. My premise is this: Since he was able to change his world and take his people from being the most insignificant, oppressed and weakest to becoming the predominant, admired and strongest in just one generation; if we learn how he was able to do it, we will be able to learn how to succeed in our world today.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: leadership, decision making, development, influence, principles, skills, styles, tips, management, business, Negotiation, Persuasion, Communication, goals, habits, personal growth, motivate

Word Count: 14843

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Sample text:

. Plan to learn. We don't know what we don't know. Until we have taken the time and invested the energy into thinking through what we intend to achieve and how we intend to achieve it, everything is an assumption—maybe good, maybe not—and undoubtedly, some of our assumptions are potentially disastrous. Therefore, the first and foremost objective of planning is to learn: what we know; what we think we know; and what we don't know!

The biggest threats to success are errors. Not those of commission (doing things incorrectly), but rather those of omission (leaving stuff out). Learning what you don't know may sound like a conundrum, but as you shall see, it's easier than you might guess—if you use a collaborative approach, systematic process, and the right tools of thought.

When you plan, simply visualize the future. And as you think through the steps, if you can easily visualize the work unfolding, you're likely tapping into what you already know. On the other hand, if visualizing the work is difficult, your experience or skill is likely lacking—and now you know what you don't know (unless ego, pressure, or urgency trumps rational thought.) In either case, always think through the work. Always challenge your own assumptions. Investigate options. Consider alternatives. When you assume that you already know the best way, you stop getting better at what you do.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Gloria Bernal

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