Ketogenic Diet: Delicious & Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Keto Diet by Kayla Jane

(133b) Delicious & Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Keto Diet

Ketogenic diet: delicious & healthy ketogenic diet recipes for keto diet


There are numerous benefits that come with being on keto: from weight loss and increased energy levels to therapeutic medical applications. Most anyone can safely benefit from eating a low-carb, high-fat diet.'

The Ketogenic diet does not just address epilepsy; it is a very effective way of forcing the body to use stored fat to power its daily activities. This book will try to explain how the keto diet works, what happens to your body during ketosis, recipes for ketosis friendly foods, and a sample meal plan to get you started

Thanks to your powerful pressure cooker and this helpful cookbook, following the ketogenic diet has never been easier. Start with protein. Add fresh veggies. Toss in some spices. Press start. You’re on your way to healthy eating!


Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 3031

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Sample text:

The ketogenic diet allows your body to break down its stored blubber. It is one of the main strategies employed in bodybuilding to create muscle mass while decreasing body fat. Most weightlifters on the ketogenic diet set their daily calorie consumption to twenty percent over their usual calorie level. This is not a set figure and can be changed on a personal basis. It is just a suggestion to get you moving in the correct direction.

To get the extra calories required on the ketogenic diet, you will need to eat chicken, steak, fish, sausage, whole eggs, bacon, and protein shakes. You want to consume 1.5g of fat for each gram of protein. Aim to eat upwards of five meals each day. Your muscles need the additional meals to grow. Of course, a serious part of bodybuilding includes supplying your muscles with nutrients.

While you are on the ketogenic diet, it is recommended that you load up on carbohydrates for approximately a three-day cycle. On the third day, consume 1000 calories worth of carbohydrates at least two hours before your workout for that day. You can pick between 2 options of car-loading. You may either one ) eat anything that you need or 2 ) commence with high glycemic carbs and then switch to low glycemic carbs.

If you decide to eat anything that you want during this phase, then you need to stick to low-fat carbohydrates. The entire purpose behind the carb-loading is to increase the glycogen in your muscles which will allow you to endure a powerful workout.

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