Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Book 8 - Discovery by Katrina Kahler

After Julia’s latest revelation, she is forced to make a decision, one that she now struggles with- who will she choose? Blake or Ky?

Julia jones - the teenage years: book 8 - discovery

After Julia’s latest revelation, she is forced to make a decision, one that she now struggles with. Who will she choose? Blake or Ky? When unforeseen circumstances impact her choice, even she doesn't know what will eventuate.

Added to this, Julia discovers some news that leaves her reeling. What is the meaning of the secret conversation between Emmie and Jack? Will Emmie confide in Julia and share her secret?

The latest addition to this emotional series includes more suspense and more drama that will keep you captivated from beginning to end. It’s another great book for young teenage girls.

Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Romance / General

Secondary Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Social Themes / Bullying

Language: English

Keywords: Julia Jones, teenage books for girls, bullying romance, books for girls age 11-15, romance books for teens, pentopublish2018

Word Count: 26132

Sales info:

 #113,025 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

#55 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Bullying
#94 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Social & Family Issues > Bullying
#133 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > Bullies

Sample text:

My heart continued to pound as I read Ky’s message yet again. The shock was all consuming, and I struggled to breathe.

He remembers.

He remembers everything.

He remembers.

The words filtered through to my subconscious and my head was reeling in a way that it never had before.

I picked up the precious piece of paper in front of me as though it were a priceless gift, and clutched it to my chest. Of all the notes, this was one I had not been expecting. Tears of joy and also confusion sprang to my eyes as I gulped down the lump that had formed in my throat.

My mind swam with visions of Ky’s handsome face, his beautiful smile and his hand in mine. Then came the most special memory of all...the memory of his kiss. I glanced down at his words again, and I thought my heart would burst.

The chatter of my classmates was a distant fog in my ears as a whirlwind of emotions rocketed through me. Then, without warning, I was shaken back into the room by the sudden grip of a hand on my shoulder.

When I looked up to find Blake standing beside me, I let out an involuntary gasp. Quickly shoving Ky’s message to the bottom of the pile out of sight, I forced a smile.

Blake grinned and locked eyes with me. “Hey!”

“Hey!” I replied.

“Thanks for your note.” His smile widened as he spoke.

“Thanks for yours!” My expression faltered as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

An awkward silence followed and a mixture of thoughts, completely and utterly jumbled, filled my head.

“So, the dance tonight...” His brown eyes were pools of excitement as he stared back at me.

“Yes.” I nodded nervously. “It’s going to be fun.”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Anja Ritter
Author review:
Anja Bauermeister is a fantastic translator. I recommend her very highly for any translation work. We will continue to work with her for as long as she is available! Best translator ever!!
Already translated. Translated by Caterina DM
Author review:
Caterina is very reliable and dedicated. She is a pleasure to work with.
Already translated. Translated by Elvira Sousa
Author review:
Another fabulous translation by a very reliable translator. Highly recommended!
Already translated. Translated by Cinta Garcia de la Rosa
Author review:
Cinta is a professional translator who can always be relied upon to complete quality and error-free translations. I can recommend her very highly. We always value her work and her efforts.

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