Insects and Bugs by Owen Jones

All Creatures Great and Small...

Fun articles on bugs and insects.

Insects and bugs

This book has 16 articles of approximately 500 words a piece on various insects and bugs.

As a bonus. the articles may be used by the purchaser in his or her own publications.

Genre: NATURE / Animals / General

Secondary Genre: NATURE / Animals / Insects & Spiders

Language: English

Keywords: insects, bugs, pests, mosquitoes, ants, dealing with insects, avoiding insects

Word Count: 9,000

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Sample text:

Garden Pests

Gardening would be a great deal simpler without interference from garden pests. Most garden pests are small, but they certainly are a big nuisance. The majority of common garden pests are insects, of course and it is a funny thing that these insects are apt to prosper in circumstances that are not quite right for flowers.

The majority of garden pests do not actually live on the plants themselves, they live in rotting rubbish nearby or in sodden soil and go to the plant to feed. Some insects live in the roots if the earth is too wet.

So, one of the first things to do is to try to lessen the number of harmful insects in your garden. You can go a long way down this route by clearing away any old decaying rubbish and decayed wood. Make sure that your soil is well drained and keep cats out of your garden by squirting them with a water pistol until they get the message. Cats discourage birds and many birds feed on insects.

You should also support insects and other animals that feed on garden pests. Ants can be a pain, but they do feed on a lot of insects. Ladybirds do too and so do spiders. Larger animals such as frogs, toads and lizards eat heaps of insects, so a small open-ended garden pond could be used to breed frogs and toads. Lizards will come on their own, if the circumstances are perfect.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Dick Stada
Author review:
Dick has made a perfect job of both the translation and the formatting, which latter I always appreciate.
Already translated.
Already translated. Translated by Ute Hieksch
Author review:
Ute made a terrific job of both the translation and the formatting.
Already translated.
Already translated. Translated by Stefanie Carvalho
Author review:
Stefanie has done a great job of both the translation and the formatting.
Already translated. Translated by Beatriz Cano
Author review:
Beatriz made a great job of translating and formatting this booklet, and even corrected some misconceptions, as insects are what she has trained to study!

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
