IMMORTALS by Eva Fairwald

Short story available in English and Italian. It's a PERMA-FREE. It will aways be GRATIS.


Immortality is at hand, but elves don’t want to share their blessings. 

What happens when human soldiers find the Sacred Garden and its magical apples?

Find out in this short story, which narrates the bleakest memory of Elvish history.

The event is mentioned in the novel “Trusting Darkness”, where you’ll meet again Harold Svarthar, the Sorrowful Prince.

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DISCLAIMER: it's a PERMA-FREE. It will aways be GRATIS.

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Short Stories

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / General

Language: English


Word Count: 2552

Sales info:

Newly published and PERMA-FREE. It will aways be GRATIS.

Sample text:

The leaves flickered like amber jewels under the rising sun and the fragrance of the ripe apples delighted Iðunn’s nose. A new day for her people, one more possibility to live and prosper endlessly in the richest Elvish kingdom of the Eurasian continent. She breathed in and smiled; her body was filled with vigor, every single cell radiated full conscience of her luck. Her gentle hands stroked the trees and dozens of juicy fruits levitated from the branches into a basket placed on a marble table. Each apple glistened brighter than any diamond, wrapped in a veil of pure magic, letting its power shine through the golden skin. She had cultivated every seed with all the affection she was capable of and the apaldr of the Sacred Garden had grown healthy and strong. She walked barefoot on the grass and the soft soil massaged her toes, as if the earth itself showed its appreciation. Subtle strings of energy caressed her ankles, curling around her legs like glowing roots, creating wings of light on her shoulders and spreading in a dance of sparkles. Even the flowers crowning her head absorbed that magnificent goodness, passing it on to her long hair and transforming it in a vibrant mane.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elise Del
Author review:
Elise is so full of enthusiasm, working with her is a real pleasure. I'm looking forward to the next translation together!
Already translated. Translated by Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Author review:
We worked very well together and I am really satisfied with the result. I speak German, so I was able to verify the accuracy and offer my comments, when needed. He quickly got into the style I was looking for and translated very fast, delivering well before any deadline.
100% positive experience, thank you very much Kay-Viktor!
Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Patrícia Pinto
Already translated. Translated by Elena Armas
Author review:
Great experience, I really enjoy the Spanish translation she provided.
Elena is prepared and precise, easy to work with.


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