I am Dragon by Marc Secchia

Fear the talon that carves your doom

What happened when the Princess kidnapped the Dragon?

I am dragon

I am Dragon. Fear the talon that carves your doom!

Having been kicked into shape by his captive Princess, the Dragon formerly called Blitz has new fires and a new name. He is a Dragon – imaginatively – called Dragon. Now, he must discover who he is.

Simple, right?

As simple as a Dragon shedding his own scales.

With war looming, the intrepid pair decide to fly over the Tamarine Mountains and across the oceans to the Island Archipelago where Azania’s long-time love awaits, hoping to recruit an army of fierce warrior Dragonesses. Can the Princess rescue his King? Will Dragon find his true family and avoid losing his head – literally – over his interest in Aria Seaspray?

The second hilarious, epic volume in Dragon Fires Rising follows the rollercoaster adventures of a misfiring Dragon and a feisty black Princess.

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Dragons & Mythical Creatures

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / Humorous

Language: English

Keywords: Dragon, humor, epic, fantasy, diversity

Word Count: 130611

Sample text:

DRAGON AND PRINCESS SKIMMED over the Obsidian Desert, tracking the retreat of a defeated, broken Skartunese army. Weapons, armour and bodies littered the footprints and occasional paw print that wound southward between the dunes. Not all of the bodies had stopped moving, but the dense flocks of black crows and bald-headed vultures acted unfussy about the general twitchiness of their meals. The macabre feast had reached a deafening pitch of jollity, if one was a carrion bird.

The meat course was not so cheerful.

Thin shrieks drifted up to the mismatched pair as they arrowed across a dawn painted crimson by the giant red sun, Ignis. As the sun peeked over the horizon, mighty crimson flares burst from its corona, visible to the draconic eye.

DRAGON AND PRINCESS SKIMMED over the Obsidian Desert, tracking the retreat of a defeated, broken Skartunese army. Weapons, armour and bodies littered the footprints and occasional paw print that wound southward between the dunes. Not all of the bodies had stopped moving, but the dense flocks of black crows and bald-headed vultures acted unfussy about the general twitchiness of their meals. The macabre feast had reached a deafening pitch of jollity, if one was a carrion bird.

The meat course was not so cheerful.

Thin shrieks drifted up to the mismatched pair as they arrowed across a dawn painted crimson by the giant red sun, Ignis. As the sun peeked over the horizon, mighty crimson flares burst from its corona, visible to the draconic eye.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Carlos Andrés Cardona Castaño
Author review:
Again Carlos was excellent to work with, thank you very much!

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