Medical science and the unraveling of the human genome have given us new understandings now allow us to significantly increase our healthy longevity.
The purpose of this book is to describe the major problems caused by the decline of our hormones with age and to describe what we can do about it.
Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Longevitynew
Medical science and the unraveling of the human genome have, and are, providing us with great insights into how anti aging hormones make our bodies work and how we are susceptible to diseases and the aging process.
Our new understandings now allow us to significantly increase our healthy longevity. And when we take advantages of these new findings we make ourselves available to take advantages of the even newer technologies being developed.
There are seven basic causes that combine to make us vulnerable to diseases and to aging; they are all described in the book Aging is a Treatable Disease. One of the major causes is that our endocrine system ceases to secrete sufficient quantities of certain enzymes and hormones to keep up with the cell’s battles with the build up of contaminants.
The purpose of this book is to describe this major problem caused by the decline of our hormones with age and to describe what we can do about anti aging hormones it.
Language | Status |
Already translated.
Translated by Marta Susana Novoa