Governance for a New Era by Robert Stephen Higgins

About the reinvention of government

Governance for a new era

This book is for those people who can think outside the box. It presents a new kind of governance based on new theorems in political theory. A chapter contains the Ecalpa Consgtitution, a generic politicsl constitution that demonstrates the new theory. In another sense it describes government as it would have arisen in the absence of ideology and contrasts with present deomocratic government that are manifestations of ideology.

Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Constitutions

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / Political

Language: English

Keywords: political theory, political science, utopia, proper government, Ecalpa Constitution, Human rights

Word Count: 34,000

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The book was uploaded to Amazon on 2020 June 30. There is no sales report yet.

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When it comes to government it is easy to see ourselves as leaves in a stream, a disposition that effectively gives away our power because we can actually think and analyze, we can talk and write, and we can vote. If we do not pay attention to what governments are doing we may not detect disastrously wrong direction until it is too late. The bad consequences will affect not only ourselves but also our children- possibly more so- and our grandchildren. If we want a government that we set up and then let to do then it must be a proper government and one we can trust to perform adequately and honestly.
The following pages will use the term “proper government” in a particular way. It will mean a government founded on valid principles that, like science, are always true everywhere and the government puts the interests of the electorate first. Importantly, it will also mean a government that is not a tyranny of any kind. Rather, the government will protect the individual person and allow the maximum practical amount of individual freedom. The theoretical development is discursive, like mathematics, discovering starting principles that cannot be denied and building on them to make a complete theory. In so doing it brings order to political science and lifts it to a true science from its present status as a quasi-science that simply describes present and past forms of government.  The development is presented in chapter 3 and is the core of the book.
That development begins with a clean sheet of paper in regard to the design of proper governance. It is preceded by a description of typical democratic governments, which may bore the reader already familiar with them, but it is helpful to first describe the vehicle being worked on to comprehend why its replacement is prudent. More so, it is vital to point out the important forces bearing on governments so that the playing field is understood.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Asma Louki
Author review:
The translator was timely but I am not sure he understood English because communication was difficult. I could not evaluate the quality of the translation.
In the later stage the translator was uncooperative.
Already translated. Translated by João Rosa de Castro

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