Five Glass Slippers by Brown, Clifton, Heffington, Ricker, Thompson

A collection five novellas retelling the classic fairy tale, "Cinderella."

Five glass slippers

An Internationally Bestselling Collection!

One Beloved Story - Five Exciting Writers - a Collection to Cherish!

What happens when Cinderella is so painfully shy that she cannot bear the idea of attending the royal ball? Or when the slipper fits . . . but on the wrong girl? What happens when Cinderella is determined to oust an imposter prince from her rightful throne? Or when she is a cendrillon miner working from a space station orbiting a cthonian planet? What happens when Cinderella, a humble housemaid, is sent with a message for a prisoner trapped in a frightening fairy circus?

Here is Cinderella as you have never met her before, wearing glass slippers and off on unforgettable adventures!

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology

Language: English


Word Count: 112,000 words

Sales info:

Five Glass Slippers is an internaionally bestselling collection of stories, which hit #1 in Fairy Tales in the USA, the UK, and Canada.

The sales are always great and the ratings are strong. Readers love this anthology!

You can see the success of this project for yourself on the Amazon sales page.

Sample text:

Broken Glass

Written by Emma Clifton

Chapter 1

 “It’s not me, I promise!” Lady Rosalind Copper glared fiercely at the palace attendants before her. Then her glare shifted to her foot, which wore a glass slipper bearing a delicate, swirling R. “Yes, this is my shoe, but I wasn’t wearing it last night!”

“All the evidence points to you, miss,” one attendant responded hastily, giving her a sympathetic smile. But when Rosalind’s eyes narrowed, he shrank into his silk livery and backed away.

“It wasn’t me.” Too outraged to care about proper grammar, she crossed her arms. “I went to the ball with Henry last night. I didn’t wear these shoes! I don’t know how they ended up at the palace. Tell them, Henry. It wasn’t me!”

The young gentleman standing beside her wasn’t acting like his normal, cheerful self. Even his curly brown hair seemed to droop. “My father’s orders are pretty much law,” he mumbled, and shrugged lamely. “Sorry, Roz.”

Rosalind flung her hands into the air. “So what if your father is a king! You’re a prince! Doesn’t that amount to something?”

“Not really.” Henry’s gaze remained fixed on the floor, intently studying the toes of his boots. “I’m his third son, you know.”

“You are all hopeless!” Rosalind shrieked. “Doesn’t my word count for something? Isn’t there anything you can do?”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Susanna Celotti
Author review:
A wonderful translator, easy to work with. Very prompt and willing to ask questions if she had any concerns with the text. A gracious woman, someone I would be happy to work with again in the future. I had two different Italian language speakers check her sample, and both complimented her elegant translation and approved her work. Highly recommended!
Already translated. Translated by Fabiana Dejavite

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
