Even for Anarchists and Cowboys by Seth Giolle

A Biographic Philosophy of Maker Millwright

This book is a call to the world to recommit to the ideals of Tribe and Community to ensure we're laying down strong foundations for mankind's future.

Even for anarchists and cowboys

            We’ve reached an age in our development as a society where, thanks to our advanced mechanical, scientific, and astrophysical pursuits, the human race has walked on the moon. We’ve sent our probes beyond the farthest reaches of space, and we seem to be only footsteps from Mars. If you believe the news reports, we’re only years away from commercial space flights, and scientists are working hard to make our greatest feats of science fiction a reality from teleportation to warp drive.

            Here planet-side, we develop new cars, dazzling computer technology, and revolutionary medicines as well as food technologies and plant strains that can grow in the harshest environments, but along the way, we’ve lost what some might say was our soul.

            These advancements are shared by the wealthy with only the extras being offered to those less fortunate. Whole populations face drought and starvation. In order to move into this new age before us as one human race, we need to get back to our roots. We need to reshape our thinking and move into the future as one.

            No one left behind.

            This book is going to delve into subjects like Tribe and Community through the mind of Maker Millwright. We’re going to explore his foundations, where he builds his walls, how thick, and we’ll explore how there really is no roof for someone who doesn’t know when to stop dreaming.

            For any who are open for change, the possibilities are endless!

            Everyone is welcome.

            Yes, even the Anarchists and Cowboys.

Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Secondary Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: Seth, Giolle, Cowboys, Anarchists, social, community

Word Count: 26871

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Sample text:

            We’ve reached an age in our development as a society where, thanks to our advanced mechanical, scientific, and astrophysical pursuits, the human race has walked on the moon. We’ve sent our probes beyond the farthest reaches of our space, and we seem to be only footsteps from Mars. We develop new cars, dazzling computer technology, and revolutionary medicines as well as food technologies and plant strains that can grow in the harshest environments, but along the way, we’ve lost what some might say was our soul.

            These advancements are shared by the wealthy with only the extras being offered to those less fortunate. Whole populations face drought and starvation. In order to move into this new age before us as one human race, we need to get back to our roots. We need to reshape our thinking and move into the future as one.

            No one left behind.

            This book is going to delve into subjects like Tribe and Community through the mind of Maker Millwright. We’re going to explore his foundations, where he builds his walls, how thick, and we’ll explore how there really is no roof for someone who doesn’t know when to stop dreaming.

            For any who are open for change, the possibilities are endless!

            Everyone is welcome.

            Yes, even the Anarchists and Cowboys.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by John Doe
Author review:
Alessio Coci did an amazing job translating Even for Anarchists and Cowboys. He was quick, accurate, and professional from beginning to end.
Already translated. Translated by Mariana Abreu
Author review:
Marie Abreu was a professional, polite, and skilled translator, and it was great having her translate my book, Even for Anarchists and Cowboys into et para anarquist as e cowboys at e para anarquist!
Already translated. Translated by Fabian Aruquipa

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