Destiny’s Lot by JR Wirth

Long before there were texts, instant messaging, and endless social networks, we had phones and snail mail.

Destiny’s lot

Long before there were texts, instant messaging, and endless social networks, we had phones and snail mail. And if we wanted a date, we actually had to talk to the other person first. This would often delay the inevitable, as we first had to gather our nerves in order to ask out the intended person. This was the case for young JR, who was looking forward to his long awaited Halloween date with the girl of his dreams. When he finally got up the nerve to ask Destiny out, she said yes. All he had to do was cut a few lawns to make a buck or two, and then take his younger siblings trick-or-treating. After that, he was free to enjoy his date, and join his friends at a legendary Halloween party. What could go wrong?

The thrills start early that Halloween day, when JR decides to get an application for a job and a burrito at the same time. The workers at the fast food restaurant had different plans, however, and leave JR reeling, and wondering what happened. As he makes his way through the day, he is met with a host of obstacles and evil beings trying to eliminate him and his family. These implausible, chilling antics last throughout Halloween day and into the night. How will JR respond? Can he save himself? Can he save his family? And what about Destiny, can he salvage his date? Read Destiny’s Lot: A Halloween Love Story and find out.

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Contemporary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / General

Language: English

Keywords: Holidays, Celebration, Contemporary romance

Word Count: 13,000

Sales info:

8 reviews

Sample text:


The closer they got to the door, the weirder things became. I could see tiny heads peeking out from behind thick burgundy drapes, which covered both the garage and front picture windows. They looked like the faces of young children—too many to count. They all seemed somewhat deranged, slightly disfigured, and mostly evil. Each one seemed to be furiously yelling, but no words could be heard. It was as if their muted voices were calling out for help; an escape from damnation of sorts.

I got an eerie feeling, thinking, something is very wrong here. And for some reason, I was compelled to turn and glance at the odd man’s house across the street. “Shit-ski,” I slowly whispered with a shrill in my voice and doom in my eyes. At the front door, behind the screen, I noticed the silhouette of the man, or whatever it was. His aged hand was just outside the door, in almost the same position it was earlier. The porch light highlighted the decaying hand that was now rolling its index finger, summoning me to join him. Spooked, I looked back at the kids making their way to the door of the disappearing family’s, authentic haunted house.

Suddenly, evil figures, big and small, started to surround them, while the children of the damned, like angry rats, swarmed from everywhere.

“Get out!” I yelled, just before Frankenstein tried to grab Yoko.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Liming Yu
Author review:
Amazing job
Already translated. Translated by Paulo Henrique Sales
Author review:
Great job!
Already translated. Translated by Aldo Rodríguez
Author review:
Great job!

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