Chameleon by Cole Steele

Creedmoor Psychiatric Center has a patient within its walls that has plotted revenge for some time. Today is that day when Karma breaks off the chain.


Dr. Marlene Scott is a respected emergency room physician inside Kirkwood Memorial Hospital. Her email often inundated with lucrative offers from recruiters across the country. Having rekindled a steamy relationship with her ex-boyfriend Kurt Collison from her undergraduate days back at Rutgers, she now has the one thing that has been missing in her life. But a recent series of unexplained patient deaths following a routine procedure have rocked Memorial to its administrative core and reeling for answers to what could be a potential serial murderer in their midst. The authorities have a person of interest and it's Marlene who inconceivably shares the same DNA as the suspected killer. Detectives Roman Lee and Willow Darby must solve this deadly mystery before another patient dies and Marlene loses everything.

Genre: FICTION / Crime

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / Psychological

Language: English

Keywords: Crime Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Detective Series, Roman Lee, Cole Steele

Word Count: 53,649

Sample text:

Several hours had passed since her time in the emergency room.  Lisa Ridenour was taken to her room up on the fifth floor, toward the end of a hall and away from the nurse’s station.  Some of the effects from the anesthesia clung to her bloodstream, making things a bit foggy.  She tried desperately to recapture short term memories prior to surgery as a figure appeared in the doorway.

Making an effort to sit up, she noticed clear plastic tape on the top of her right hand.  Lisa followed a single line of tubing from under the adhesive with her eyes, up to a bag of Lactated Ringer’s solution that was resupplying the drip chamber at a steady pace.

The door closed quietly behind the lone visitor dressed in surgical scrubs, who scanned the room momentarily before approaching.  Something about her looked so familiar, yet she was having such difficulty remembering anything.  Perhaps it was the woman’s eyes, which remained visible because of the surgical mask, but concealed any additional recognizable features.  Lisa’s memory clicked for a brief second as a bit of the anesthesia began to dissipate.  The emergency room physician.  She had mentioned a possible visit.  It resembled her anyway, as she spoke to the visitor while fighting a sore throat.

“How long was I out, doctor?”

Lisa’s visitor didn’t reply, but casually withdrew a syringe from her front pocket.  Reaching up to grab the IV line, a port was opened, and the needle inserted.  Latex gloves covering the hands stretched as a thumb slowly pressed the plunger down, delivering lethal contents directly into her bloodstream.  Lisa looked up again, into what she thought were familiar blue eyes, but was met with only a blank stare.  She managed just a few more words from a mouth that felt dry as cotton.


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elena Longhin
Already translated. Translated by Mônica Sanoli
Already translated. Translated by Mel Blumen
Author review:
Excellent Work! Highly Recommended! Great Communication!

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