AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Success Guide, Volume 1 by AB Publisher LLC

Prepare for CLF-C01 Exam with quizzes, assessment tests, cheat sheets,

Guide to prepare for Amazon Web Services Exam with quizzes, assessment tests, cheat sheets, hands-on lessons and practice exams included

Aws certified cloud practitioner exam success guide, volume 1

In this guide you're going to learn all about AWS (Amazon Web Services). I’m also going to get you prepared and fast-track your AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam success. The great thing about the cloud practitioner exam is it's very suitable for people coming from many different backgrounds. So, it doesn't matter if you have little or no technical experience, or if you do have a technical background and you're looking to transition your skill sets into the cloud.

Whatever background you’re coming from, this is the right guide for you. Everything you need is here to make sure that you do pass your exam. You’re not in this alone because I’m going to help you through it. My support link is in this book for you to contact me any time if you need further help.

Whatever your preferred learning style, I've also got you covered. If you're a visual learner, you'll love my clear diagrams and illustrations throughout this book. You'll enjoy the facts I present to you and the cheat sheets I created because they have exam specific information in them. If you're a practical learner, you'll love my hands-on lessons so that you can get practical with AWS and learn in a hands-on way.

About the hands-on lessons, there're two different types of practical lesson in this guide. The first one is a demo. A demo is a pure demonstration in which I show you something, but you don't need to follow along. The reason I do that is that there are a few examples of where I want to show you something visually so that I can demonstrate to you some feature of AWS. But the set up might be a bit more complex than the cloud practitioner exam requires. Although there're just a few of those, they're a useful way to show you some things.

Now, the other one is a hands-on lesson. A hands-on lesson is a follow-along, so you can go through AWS in your own free tier account and build on AWS. It will give you practical experience, which is really the best way to learn and become competent.

At the end of many chapters of this book, you'll find a lesson with links to cheat sheets and quizzes that you can use to test yourself as you go through the lessons. There's often an exam cram lesson as well at the end of each chapter. This is a fast-paced run through of the cool facts ideal for quick revision before you sit your exam.

At the end of Chapter 5 and a few other chapters of this book, I also provide links to download training resources, graphics and screenshots used in this book, cheat sheets, assessment tests, practice exams, and other helpful documents. You can use them for quick references and revision as well. In this guide, I also provide a link to full-length practice exams so you can test yourself and see if you're ready to sit the real thing. So, everything you need is here in this guide. I really hope you’ll enjoy it.

Genre: COMPUTERS / Cloud Computing

Secondary Genre: COMPUTERS / Web / Web Services & APIs

Language: English

Keywords: aws certified cloud practitioner study guide, clf-c01 study guide, aws cloud practitioner study guide 2021, aws exam guide, Amazon web services cloud practioner exam guide, amazon cloud engineer, amazon cloud certification

Word Count: 72075

Sales info:

The book has sold many copies and has three 5/4 star reviews on Amazon.

Sample text:

This sample was taken from Chapter 1.1 of the book.

1.1. About The CLF-C01 Exam

In this lesson, I'm going to teach you about the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, so you understand what you're getting yourself into and what to expect when you sit your exam. The code of this exam is CLF-C01. When you take the exam, you have three years before you need to take it again because it expires every three years.

I do retake the exam myself, and I've taken it lots of times. The reason I do that is not because it is expiring, but because I want to make sure that I understand what's happening in the exam presently, and what knowledge you need to know to make sure that you pass the exam. That way, I can keep this book and my other AWS courses up to date.

1.2. The Exam Blueprint

Question Format

The exam is comprised of 65 questions all of which are either multiple choice or multiple response. I'll explain a bit more about that in a moment.

With the multiple-choice questions, there are 4 answers and you have to pick one (1).
With the multiple response, there're 2 or more correct responses out of 5 or more options. In other words, there are 5 options, and you have to choose 2 correct answers.

Exam Type/Level

The exam is foundational. So, the CLF-C01 is the beginner level really of AWS certifications.

Delivery Method

There are two different ways you can take your exam: either through a testing center or online. There may be one testing center in your area but there have been lots of closures over the last 12 months. If there is one open in your area, you can certainly take the exam there. Otherwise, you just...

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Already translated. Translated by Rafael Ayala
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