Atlantis The Eyewitnesses Part I: The Creation of Atlantis (Atlantis The Eyewitnesses Series Book 1) by Walter Parks

We found geological proof that Atlantis really did exist.

Atlantis the eyewitnesses part i: the creation of atlantis (atlantis the eyewitnesses series book 1)

Many have believed that Atlantis was a fiction created by Plato.  Well Plato was not the first to write about it. 

We have found a very much earlier document.  It was written in 9619 BC, about 9,250 years before Plato’s writing.

This ancient document is believed to be the oldest document that has survived almost intact down through the ages.

Further, archeological finds and scientific evidence provide convincing proof that Atlantis really did exist; Atlantis was real. 

We structure the evidence that we found as answers to 3 basic questions.  First, if Atlantis did exist how was it created? 

If Atlantis existed, did it influence anything; leave any evidence of its existence; leave a legacy?

If Atlantis did exist where are its remains?

This is Part I The Creation of Atlantis.

Read and you will become convinced that Atlantis really did exist.

Genre: NATURE / Rocks & Minerals

Language: English


Word Count: 8664

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Some say that Atlantis is a myth.  Troy was a myth too until Archeologist Schliemann found it.  Come along with me and let’s find Atlantis.

Ancient literature and “mythology” is filled with stories of an early civilization that was destroyed by a great worldwide flood.  Plato said it was Atlantis. 

Plato has long been accepted as the first to write about Atlantis and this was documented in his classic dialogs:  Timaeus and Critias written about 360 to 370 BC.  The dialogues are recorded as conversations between Socrates, Hermocrates, Timeaus, and Critias.

Plato’s story describes Atlantis and a conflict between the ancient Athenians (Greeks) and the Atlantians that occurred 9,000 years before Plato's time.  The story was initially told to an ancestor of Critias by Solon who was told the story by an ancient Egyptian priest.

Many have believed that Atlantis is a fiction created by Plato but Plato was not the first to write about it. 

We have found a very much earlier document.  It was written in 9619 BC, about 9,250 years before Plato’s writing.

This ancient document is believed to be the oldest document that has survived almost intact down through the ages.

Further, archeological finds and scientific evidence provide convincing proof that Atlantis really did exist.  Atlantis is perhaps just the latest “old myth” becoming a reality. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Marlies Perman
Already translated. Translated by Mandy Bernardini
Already translated. Translated by Mariarosaria Borraccia
Already translated. Translated by Patrícia Pinto
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Already translated. Translated by Ismael Fernandez

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