This book will help you understand on why you feel anxious. Whether it happens frequently or just during a specific event, finding the root of your problem is just as important as treating it. The information provided in this book will enlighten and educate you about anxiety holistically. Having training on the subject, as well as conquering anxiety myself, I find the material inside this book to be high content and beneficial to anyone looking to understand on why they have anxiety issues.
Overcoming these social phobias is a life changing event. Many people describe their lives after conquering social anxiety as feeling brand new. This can be your story as well. The strategies shared in this book do take time and effort, but you will be rewarded tremendously.
If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!
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Anxiety can be described as the body’s automatic alarm that gets triggered whenever one is facing a situation that’s stressful and feels threatened or under pressure. As much as anxiety can help in making one to stay focused or even spur action that motivates one to solve the perceived problems; it becomes a disorder when it interferes with one’s behavior and how they handle the daily activities including their relationships. The below symptoms can help one in identifying whether they have anxiety disorder;
Persistent feelings of worry, tension and of being on the edge.
Interference with family responsibilities and other daily activities.
Constant feelings of fear that may appear to be irrational but you find it difficult to overcome.
A belief that something bad or very negative may happen if a given task or something isn’t done.
Experiences of sudden panic attacks which causes adrenaline rush.
Feelings of eminent danger that’s likely to happen.
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Already translated.
Translated by Pedro de Campos
Already translated.
Translated by Bernarda Rojas Valenzuela