Aging is Preventable by Walter Parks

We can now prevent aging to a large extent.

Aging is preventable

The unraveling of our genes by the Human Genome Project and follow on findings clearly showed the causes of aging and gave us clues of how to prevent aging.

We know that there are two principal causes of aging: the shortening of the telomere genes at the ends of our chromosomes each time a cell divides to replace itself and the decrease in hormone levels as we age.

A series of tests have proved that we can slow, and eventually prevent aging.

This book describes the aging processes and identifies what you can do to slow and eventually prevent your aging.

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Longevity

Language: English

Keywords: longevity, health, aging, long life, healthy living, prevention, immortal, diet

Word Count: 150

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Sample text:

The unraveling of our genes by the Human Genome Project and follow on findings clearly showed the causes of aging and gave us clues of how to prevent aging.

We know that there are two principal causes of aging: the shortening of the telomere genes at the ends of our chromosomes each time a cell divides to replace itself and the decrease in hormone levels as we age.

A series of tests have proved that we can slow, and eventually prevent aging.

This book describes the aging processes and identifies what you can do to slow and eventually prevent aging.

“Over half the baby boomers here in America are going to see their hundredth birthday and beyond in excellent health.  We’re looking at life spans for the baby boomers and the generation after the baby boomers of 120 to 150 years of age.”  Dr. Ronald Klatz American Academy Of Anti-Aging

“The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable.” Dr. Rudman After His Experiments Aging Is Preventable.

We can slow, cure, or even prevent aging effects if we catch the age-causing problem soon enough.

I am taking advantage of new technologies to fix each health problem as it appears, and I am therefore dramatically improving my health and longevity.

The causes of aging and age-related diseases are finally being understood.



Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Patrícia Pinto
Already translated. Translated by Elena Buelga

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
