1896, Philadelphia. In this stand alone sequel to "In Name Only" (2009 FQP), "A Subtle Grace" continues the story of the wealthy and unconventional O’Donovan Family as they approach the dawn of a new century. At 19, Kathleen (oldest daughter) is unmarried with no prospects. Fearing the lonely fate of an old maid, her impatience leads to an infatuation with the first man who shows interest. The suave, handsome son of the local police chief seems a perfect match. But will her impulsive manner prevent her from recognizing her true beloved? A disturbing turn of events brings a dark shadow that threatens the life-long happiness she desires. Dr. Luke Peterson (the family’s new physician) also makes quite an impression on Kathleen. His affection for her leads him to startling revelations: about Kathleen, about his practice and, most importantly, about himself. Will (oldest son) believes God may be calling him to a religious vocation. Eventually, he discovers the hidden circumstances of his humble beginnings compelling him to embark on a pilgrimage to Rome.
Genre: FICTION / Christian / Historical4.5 ranking based on 123 Amazon reviews. Sales were excellent (both in print and Kindle) in the first year and a half. Sales have recently been excellent. Finalist 2015 IAN Awards in Historical and Romance categories.
Language | Status |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Klaudia Michałek
Already translated.
Translated by Lia Matos Viegas
Author review: Easy to work with and on time! Thank you! |
Already translated.
Translated by Gloria Diaz
Author review: Gloria is conscientious, easy to communicate with and is always on time (or before) the deadlines. Highly recommend! |