A Bear in There by Francois Keyser

A story for children to show them they don't have to fear the dark

A bear in there

Rick finds a bear in his home after dark and is terrified. His parents can’t find the bear and think he is having nightmares. But the bear is real. The question is though, is the bear a friend or a foe?

“A Bear in There” is the story children live every night.

It is about children’s fear of the dark and monsters in the dark. It is intended to show children that they have nothing to fear and that the toys they sometimes think become scary after dark, aren’t really scary.

We can all relate to our childhood fears of the dark as children or parents.

Written in rhyme, this story reads well and makes for good acting and storytelling for youngsters which can help them to remember the story and not be afraid of the dark.

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Stories in Verse

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Bedtime & Dreams

Language: English

Keywords: bear, fear, dark, scared, monsters, cupboard, toys, under, bed, children, kids, imagine, dreams, stories, imagination, nightmares, bedtime, short stories, fear of dark, bedtime fears

Word Count: 901

Sales info:

This book is new and is yet to be published and illustrated so there are no sales ranikings as yet.

Sample text:

One night I woke, as I sometimes do.

Because, I needed to go to the loo.

The house was quiet…. and dark.

But outside, I heard dogs bark.


Down the passage to the loo I crept

Not making a noise, I carefully stepped

Thankfully, I made it to the loo

Do you get scared in the dark? I do!


While I was busy I had a feeling

There was something behind me, watching.

I looked over my shoulder and screamed!

Two eyes in the dark gleamed.


I saw it then, clear as day

A Bear! I don’t think he wanted to play!

I ran screaming from the loo

Down the hall to my parents room.


They were up. My screams did the trick.

They asked, “Whats happened? What’s up Rick?”

I pointed at the loo, “Th…there!”

They were confused, “What’s there?”

I pointed and stuttered, “A b…bear!”

“What!?” They didn’t believe me. “Where?”

“A bear! In there!”

Dad walked to the loo. It wasn’t far….


I cringed in fear. The door was ajar….

He opened it and turned on the light……

I wanted to scream but the bear

Wasn’t anywhere in sight!


My parents put me back to bed.

Before turning out the light they kissed my head

I tried to sleep but sleep had fled

I feared the bear was under my bed.


I tried counting sheep to sleep

But was afraid the bear would creep

Into my room while my eyes were closed

Then I opened my eyes and froze…..


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Rivka S.
Author review:
Rivka did a fantastic job of translating my book. She completed it in the agreed time as well. Thank you.
Already translated. Translated by James Gau
Author review:
Thank you to James for delivering a very high standard of work with the translation of my manuscript. James is professional and finished within the timeline agreed for translation. I recommend James for more translation work.
Already translated. Translated by Milena Barranca
Author review:
Milena is a very professional translator and completed translation of my book on time. She has delivered a high standard of work and I recommend her for future translations.
Already translated. Translated by Amanda Montella
Author review:
Amanda was very professional with her translation of my manuscript. She was a pleasure to work with and completed the work within the agreed timeframes. I recommend Amanda for more translation work. Well done!
Already translated. Translated by Tamara Clavijo Inzaurralde
Author review:
Tamara has done a great job of translating my work. She is professional and I enjoyed working with her. I will gladly recommend Tamara for more translation work.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
