47 Hours by Burt Clinchandhill

The Fall and Rise of Hugo Chavez

As James Mitchel struggles to come to terms with the Kursk tragedy that claimed 118 Russian lives, he and his family relocate to Venezuela, where he takes up a new role as military attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.

47 hours

"47 Hours is the perfect mixture of adventure, romance, politics, and history", "It is a must-read for all political drama lovers."

47 Hours is loosely based on a true story As Mitchel James struggles to come to terms with the Kursk tragedy that claimed 118 Russian lives, he and his family relocate to Venezuela where he takes up a new role as military attaché to the US Embassy in Caracas.

The move was supposed to be a new start for Mitchel, his wife Nathalie and their teenage daughter, Catherine – an escape from the horror of his last mission and the nightmares that continue to haunt him. But life is rarely that simple in the murky world of geopolitics.

After stumbling upon a plot to overthrow the democratically elected government of Hugo Chávez, Mitchel finds himself in the midst of a coup that his own country appears to be involved in.

Propelled by a need to amend the wrongs of the past, Mitchel teams up with his best friend, the Venezuelan intelligence officer José Abrantes, in an effort to restore democratic power and avert further bloodshed in a thrilling race against time. 

Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / Military

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Thrillers / Political

Language: English

Keywords: political, Conspiracy , thriller, military, action

Word Count: 92000

Sample text:

​PLUMES OF BLACK SMOKE stained the Caracas skyline as chaos descended on the city. People with and without political motivation were looting stores, taking advantage of the situation to enrich themselves. As the violence grew in intensity, local police struggled to maintain order and they began to suppress demonstrations using brute force, teargas and weapons, mostly fired into the air in an attempt to disperse the crowds. In the street, tactical police vehicles armed with water cannons cleared the way for heavily armored policemen to patrol the capital.

As the city burned, Carmona looked out of the window only to see the palace surrounded by hundreds of thousands of pro-Chávez demonstrators, dressed in red, lighting fires, waving banners and chanting slogans against him.

 “For the sake of our children we want our president!”

“We’ll stay, even if it costs us our lives!”

General Gallardo looked up from the table where he was sat eating breakfast with General Valbuena and Cardinal Velasco while trying to ignore the chants outside. “What are you planning to do?” he asked.

Carmona rubbed his face and continued staring out of the window for a few seconds more before turning to the table.

“What can I do?” he replied, sounding close to desperate. “My only question at this time is ‘should we withdraw our law enforcers and let the looting play out to prevent more bloodshed?’.”


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Luis Burke
Author review:
Great work, Fast and accurate

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