$100,000 eBay Business: Make Insane Profits Selling on eBay & Amazon by Braun Schweiger

$100,000 eBay Business is your ticket to selling on eBay and Amazon

$100,000 ebay business: make insane profits selling on ebay & amazon

Are you ready to make money online?

$100,000 eBay Business is your ticket to selling on eBay and Amazon. It's estimated that over half a million people currently make a living selling on eBay and Amazon. You can,too. 

It's just a matter of getting started, and scaling your business up. 

Don't know anything about eBay or Amazon, don't worry.

$100,000 eBay Business helps you decide what to sell, how to sell, and how to make the largest profit possible. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, selling online is the best way to get started. 

1. You can get started with a minimal investment. Most sellers begin by selling items they already have around the house. 

2. You can start from home, part time while continuing to work your full time job, 

3. There are no set hours. If you're a stay at home mom or dad, you can sell when the kids are at school or after they go to bed at night. 

4. Odds are you already have the equipment necessary to get started. You can list items from your laptop, cell phone, or tablet. Buy better equipment as your sales ramp up. 

Are you unsure what to sell, or how to source product?

Don't sweat it. We've got you covered there,too. Discover a long list of items you probably already have around the house to get started selling. Explore places you can pick up inventory locally - flea markets, estate sales, yard sales, and even retail stores. 

Profitable items to sell are all around you. You just need to know what to look for. 

Don't know anything about selling on eBay or Amazon. Not a problem.

$100,000 eBay Business explains how to sell on eBay and Amazon. Learn everything you need to know to start and grow a successful online business. 

Read it this morning

List your first item this afternoon

Make money tomorrow


Secondary Genre: COMPUTERS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 11,049

Sales info:

Is a consistent seller on Kindle, paperback, and has done very well in it's first two months as an audio book. 


What I am looking for is translations into German, Spanish, and Italian. 

Sample text:

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? I’m here to tell you, I’ve done it—and, so have thousands of other sellers. 
You can too! 
It’s just a matter of getting started. 
I have new sellers ask me every day, “What’s the secret to selling on eBay?” or “What’s the best way to get started selling on Amazon?” 
Here’s what I tell, them, and what I’m going to tell you.
“Get started. 
“List your first item today. Don’t worry about what you don’t know, or what you think you have to know. 
“Just do it!”
It really is that simple.
I can tell you everything I know about selling on eBay. I can tell you what products to sell. I can tell you how much to charge, and what type of listing template to use. I can tell you the best time to start and end your listings, and how to ship your items, and on—and on.
But, there’s one thing I can’t do. 
I can’t make you get started.
Think about that for a moment. Every day hundreds of people buy guides just like this one. They read them from cover to cover. Many of them underline important passages, and scribble notes in the margins, or on a notepad.
They plan what they’re going to do; what they’re going to sell; and how much money they’re going to make.
And, then…they begin to doubt themselves. They ask themselves questions—like what if it doesn’t work? What if I list my items wrong? What if my items don’t sell? What’ll I tell my friends if I fail?
Does any of this sound familiar?
What I’m trying to help you understand here is simple.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Mauricio Chinemann
Author review:
Excellent work. Quick turnaround. Thanks!
Already translated. Translated by Irune Hidalgo

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
