Francesca Rossini (author)

Francesca Rossini is a teacher of primary school. She lives in Italy, in a small town called Manziana , near Rome

Francesca rossini

Francesca Rossini lives in Manziana, a small town in the green of the Roman province. She is a teacher who enjoys writing and illustrating fairy tales for her students. "Phoenix-operation parrot", by Lettere Animate, is his debut novel, already translated into Spanish and English, which was followed by the second volume: "Phoenix-persecutions". After the ironic romance: "Mom and Dad are single"; "Love at the time of the Buonascuola" and the contemporary romance written in collaboration with Giulia Dell'uomo: "I have no time to love you", she published again with Triskell the woman's finction "Me and the other @ me" and with the Butterfly editions the dramatic novel "Lacrime di farfalla", just released.

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Due passati che lasciano il segno: Lui, Massimo, un divorzio fresco alle spalle e sulle spalle, con una ex moglie asfissiante e una figlia usata come ricatto. Lei, Susanna, una vita da errante, per fuggire da un dolore enorme, con unico desiderio di costr
un thriller di spionaggio, ma anche una storia romantica
