Healthy Sound Sleep by Dr. William Douglas

Sleep Well Solutions

End your sleepless nights by availing yourself of these scientifically proven body soothing natural foods, drinks, guided exercises,

Healthy sound sleepEnd your sleepless nights by availing yourself of these scientifically proven body soothing natural foods, drinks, guided exercises, medications, memory pillows and mattrasses, sleeping aids and products, sleep experts advice all in this book titled, "Healthy Sound Sleep (Sleep Well Solutions)" All you need to know about your sleep problems and solutions are all here. Get a copy today and recommend it to others too.
Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Sleep & Sleep Disorders

Language: English

Keywords: sleep disorders, exercises that will help you sleep well, Importance of healthy sound sleep, best and worst food for sleep at bedtime, sleeping aids and products

Word Count: 3649

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Sample text:
Sleep Disorders Insomnia Insomnia is sleeplessness. It is defined as a prolonged and usually abnormal inability to get enough sleep. A sleeping disorder that is associated with unrest and the inability to sleep. Types of Insomnia - The short-term insomnia. This type results from stressful event like in a situation that task your brain such as in a case of death of a loved one. Also, in jet lag instances or work shift where you can't relax and can't find a reason for that. - Chronic Insomnia. Chronic insomnia is characterized by experiencing non-restorative sleep. Prolonged sleeplessness at least for a month. You experience a sleeping pattern where you have a few nights of good sleep alternating with many nights of insomnia. That is intermittent insomnia. - Insomnia can be caused by medical conditions, disrupted sleep schedule, change in hormone, mode of sleep pattern or poor sleep hygiene Solution:

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Elisabeth te Boekhorst
Author review:
good work
Already translated. Translated by Silke Haidekker
Already translated. Translated by Maria Antonietta Ricagno
Author review:
Good work
Already translated. Translated by Nicolas Araújo
Author review:
Great effort and friendly. Prompt delivery and have explanations where necessary
Already translated. Translated by Erick Carballo
Author review:
Work promptly delivered, neatly arranged and he offered explanations of usage of words. I love his translations and wish to work with him in future. Bravo

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