Vitoria Cristina silva de souza (translator)


An unexperienced translator, but really hard working and willing to become someone reliable and confident

Vitoria cristina silva de souza

I'm a Brazilian 18 years old girl named Vitória. When I was a child, one of my multiple dreams was to learn a lot of languages to read and be able to translate a lot of books, starting with English. I was a naive child, after all, learning new idioms is pretty hard, but that dream still remains. To be honest, English was indeed difficult for me at first. I didn't have English classes in my early school days because my family is poor and I couldn't go to a private school, so I studied a lot and entered a private school with a 100% scholarship in medium and high school. In English, I was a lot behind my classmates. Even so, I never gave up. I managed to become one of the best students in English. Today, although my lack of confidence and my lack of experience are undeniable, I can proudly say that I think I am good enough to apply for a book translation. 

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English
Translates into: Portuguese

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