Uday Jadoun (author)

Just a random guy excelling in his passion.

Uday jadoun


My self is Uday Jadoun, a self-published author. A citizen of India. In my defense of being an author, I've won a few competitions at local as well as international levels. I was the winner of the TCK Publishing Reader's Choice Awards 2019, in the category of General Non-Fiction. At the local level, I've won an Art & Culture Olympiad-"Pride Of The Olympiad Award".

Everyone's journey is different and unique in one way.

As an author and a student at the same time, there are many complications with me. I had from the start needed to manage my time. I even backed off at not telling my parents about my being a published author.

This was a short summary of my life till now. As you have read so far, please do read my books too. I would be glad about that.

And yes, one more thing-- Please do not forget to follow me on social media handles:- Facebook:- Uday Jadoun/A Writer's Complacence; 

Also, my Blog Site: A writer's complacency (Blogspot and WordPress) Do visit and give me a follow and multiple likes and shares!

For contact here is my email:- [email protected]

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Amazon Goodreads


A love story of two teenagers stuck in a typical Indian culture.
The epic journey of the typical Indian family!
The penultimate saga of Fantasy World!
The 2nd book in the series of the penultimate fantasy saga!
