Shirlene Reeves, PhD (author)

Maximize Your Wealth Now
Business & Marketing Coach, Award winning author, Speaker

Shirlene reeves, phd

Awarded the ‘Exceptional Woman of Excellence 2019’ by the Women Economic Forum, Dr. Shirlene Reeves is a four-time award-winning author, media personality, and motivational speaker who has journeyed from dumpster diving to diamonds. For seventeen years, she was the CEO of her nationwide CA C Corporation, which she bootstrapped from zero to multi-millions with over 23,000 working under her. She is an international speaker, a Web TV host, and a worldwide syndicated podcast host. Dr. Shirlene specializes in coaching small business entrepreneurs with proven strategies that build global, high-income, heart-based businesses.

Selling Through Your Heart - #1 International Best Seller 3/19/20

4-time Award-Winning Book:
International Press
New York Big Books
Indie Books
Independent Press

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Amazon


A comprehensive guide that takes entrepreneurs step-by-step through a million dollar business blueprint, coupled with a no rejection 3 step-sales strategy, and provides the secrets to appearing massively on Web TV & Podcasts for massive income.
