Rajendra Shepherd (author)

I really love writing and story-telling. It's something that I do every day - whether it be working on a piece of fiction, poetry, essay or academic writing.

Rajendra shepherd

Over the years, I've had some great successes - and have published a series of short stories, poems and audio stories in various literary journals, and by myself.  But I want to tell you a little about my thoughts on collaborating...

Can I be honest...I want us to become famous!  I discovered writing both as a catharsis and as a way of getting characters out of my head and onto the page. 

The catharsis part came in the form of my non-fiction work "Tilt - the gaze that changes everything".  I collected together 90 aphorisms I had written (from probably thousands that I penned over a few years when a family member was dying slowly from a brain tumour).  It was a terrible time, and writing was my way of celebrating the resilience of the human spirit.  So, when I made a visit to a youth prison to talk to a group of boys about notions of freedom, I knew that I wanted to write a book that they could use as a launching point for their own self-discovery.  It was super successful in the sense of my own growth, and I was really proud of the work I did with a graphic designer friend to produce this amazing work.  That was in 2012.

At the end of 2018, I did another really exciting collaboration, and produced an audio book "We'll always have tea" with a voice actor in the US.  This was for three short stories that I had already put on CreateSpace.  He literally breathed new life into the work, and made the characters speak, brining a new dimension to what were already celebrated stories in their own right.

So, collaborating with other inspired artists - like yourself - is absolutely what I'm looking for going forward.  I love working with people who can show me more of life...and translation is something I wish I could do.  It's an amazing talent - but it's not my talent.  I am, however, a linguist; so while I work with language, and media as my personal fascination, all of that is in English.

Does it sound pompous if I say 'Google my name'?  I don't mean it to :)  But I've had poetry published in an academic journal, from my work in the medical humanities - I teach in a medical school currently - and in other anthologies; and short fiction published in different qualities of literary journal, and so I'm happy for you to check me out and make up your own mind as to whether you think we would be a good fit.

Lastly, I've had a novel-in-progress shortlisted; and I have a finished novel manuscript, a spy thriller, doing the rounds with agents and publishers.  Wish me luck!

If I get famous from that, or we get famous from the work we do together, I will be sure to continue singing your praises, because I truly believe in lifting people up...whether it be through story-telling or otherwise.

It's been a real pleasure telling you a little about myself.



Three short stories of love...from the other side?
