Perry Hessenauer (author)

Personal Spiritual Memoir - Six Books - One is Complete

Perry hessenauer

For the last 17 years of my life, I have worked as an educator. My education in life started late but while working full time over the last 18 years I have acquired a BA Education degree, an MA degree, and a partial doctorate, in addition to several other qualifications. I have lived in South Africa, the USA, South Korea, England, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, and more recently Ecuador. However, I believe that I have not yet really done what I was born to do. I hope to be able to write for the rest of my life and to make a further meaningful contribution while developing my divine potential.

Several years ago I became familiar with the term creative non-fiction. At the time I became interested in writing stories about my personal life but did not believe that anybody would be interested. At the time I read a short story by Sheila Bender about a time in her life when she was young - it was a wonderful story and it made me believe that possibly people may be interested in my life. I wrote to Sheila and told her that "I believed that most of my life had been a waste but if I had more time I could change that." She responded very quickly and stated that my words had inspired her. Shortly thereafter, under her guidance, I wrote a story about my life with the title, "Out of the Trenches and Chasing Butterflies." It was entered into a competition and I won 1st prize. I followed up by writing a second story about my life. 

Many years elapsed and I once more desired to write. I have kept a journal for about 30 years and decided to publish it. I decided to publish it as I wrote it over the years and include additional text which would give context to the entries. The writing is personal and consists of journal entries, revelations received from the Lord, and additional content to provide context. I have completed the first book but there are approximately five or 6 more to complete. The book is a factual narrative about my life and has not been dramatized with flowery or descriptive language common to fiction writing.

The first paragraph in the introduction states the following:

"The title of the book, The Journey of a Disciple, gives an indication of the content to follow, but what was the reason for writing this history? For the last 27 years, the author has kept a journal of significant events and revelations as he attempted to walk the path of divine obedience and destiny. In stating that he walked the paths of divine obedience and destiny, it must not be assumed that the writer makes any claims to perfect righteousness or superiority. Rather that he has strived as all humans do, who have the desire to obey God, to live a good life by obedience to the laws of the gospel, inasmuch as his capacity has given him the power to do so. The path of a disciple is not an easy journey and has required much effort along the way."

I am a native English speaker but would like the book to be translated firstly into Spanish and then possibly Portuguese because I now live in South America.  

Although I am new to writing, I do believe that I have good potential and that my writing will be able to help others. 

23rd June 2020 [Revelation]Ω

"Continue in thy writing for thy history contains great treasures of spiritual knowledge that can be imparted to bless others who seek to understand the complexities of life and discipleship. Thou shalt be guided and directed by the spirit to remember and reveal important information and experiences with deep spiritual connection and meaning. These writings will help others gain insight into their own spiritual journey."

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Spiritual memoir about the authors life (Series Book1)
