Paola Casadei (author)

Hello. I am Italian, but I have lived in South Africa, Mozambique, France. I know people around the world that would like to read my book in their language

Paola casadei

My name is Paola Casadei, I'm pharmacist but always liked to write. I have lived in South Africa ad Mozambique for 12 years, now I live in France with the family, I write, teach piano and Italian. I published my book "L'elefante è già in valigia" in March 2015, for a couple of days I offer my book on the stores and was in First position. I am interested in publishing in English and French because my friends are in Australia, South Africa, Meddle East, everywhere. I am part of expatriated women groups interested in reading books about expatriation. The world is changing, Italy is changing and a story about a family who lives abroad then goes back to Italy trying to find a new equilibrium is very actual. I could help the translator in both languages to clarify in cas of doubts.

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A teenager and her family with adopted child moves from Africa to Italy
