Mike Reeves-McMillan (author)

Writer of strange worlds that people want to live in

Mike reeves-mcmillan

For someone with an English degree, Mike Reeves-McMillan has spent a surprising amount of time wearing a hard hat. He's also studied ritualmaking, hypnotherapy and health science.

He writes strange worlds that people want to live in. He himself lives in Auckland, New Zealand, and also in his head, where the weather is more reliable and there are a lot more dragons.

Mike's short stories have appeared in magazines, websites, and podcasts including The Sockdolager, Compelling Science Fiction, and Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and in anthologies including In Memory: A Tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett and Futuristica 2.

His novels include:

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They're underpowered and underprepared - but nobody else can defend the city
If G.K. Chesterton and Alexandre Dumas adapted Pepys' diary into a serial killer mystery set in Shakespeare's Italy
Leverage meets Lankhmar in this sword-and-sorcery novella, as a thief who serves the Trickster God pulls daring heists in other gods' temples.
He wanted to teach history, not make it
