Márcio Francisley Santos (translator)

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8 years of broad experience encompassing many genres and a Bachelor's Degree in Translation

Márcio francisley santos

The actual and hands-on practice with the Portuguese and English languages was an opportunity I had early at a young age, translating personal letters at the age of 18 and later, teaching when I turned 19, up until these days. But I also managed my time translating, at times as my main occupation for years at a stretch.

For instance, in translating, I first began professionally in 2002 but only came back to this turf in 2011 as a full-time translator, working on a myriad of textual genres and topics. Either working on a paper related to paintings restorations, magazines on literature, or even all the way around, on contracts, legal documents or scientific journals and papers, I developed an all-around expertise.


But as I started out my higher education, then was I trully in love with these skills we call translating (it surefire means more, perhaps also "cultural legacies which can spill over to newer generations), because we have guidance on all aspects and a whole lot of proposed practice in all major subjects and text types. It just feels amazing to have actually worked so well on the literary genres from Portuguese or from English, and back and forth. The study of the history, literature, registers in languages, cultural foundations, and whatnot, entails a task a translator is to recall as an art, and a way of living life.

In studying American and British literatures, on a few shades of the spectrum, it was an experience of discoveries and renewals of world view, history and humankind, and so in each syllabus I had ways to bolster all translations of the kind, coupled with the Brazilian literature spectrum.

My view of the world was honed along the period from 2011 to 2019, translating professionally for all my clients' needs and translating with the perfect guidance at the local university, but mostly in having tackled all riches of topics and delightful authors in this 8-year time span.


I believe a translator is to preserve the natural impact and value as that of the author's, regardless of the language glitches found; our much advanced technology nowadays provides for so much more ease and better answers, that a translator is absolutely capable of maintaining the true colors of the original, unless changes are deemed necessary.


Besides a pleasure, translating is about exploring the world and the best of ideas that authors so kindly share with the worldwide community.

Native language: Portuguese
Translates from: English, Portuguese
Translates into: English, Portuguese

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