Lídia Craveiro (author)

Lídia Craveiro - author

Lídia craveiro

The  Lídia Craveiro  books combine romance, mystery, drama, erotica, crime and even a good dose of humor.The author lives and works in Portugal today. As a child she lived in France for a while and have a great emotional attachment to the country.She's a compulsive reader and chose the novel as her favorite literary genre since she started reading the classics of world literature.A few years ago, Ambra Blanchett began to think about writing, and in 2013 she published her first novel in Amazon as an independent author. She writes in Portuguese and in 2015 began to translate his books into English.For several times her books have been in the TOP 100 of the amazon Brazil and the book "Anna" became the best-selling book in Portuguese in American Amazon.The author has a degree in clinical psychology and is specialized in psychotherapy. She divides her time between the office, a school for maladjusted children and writing.To follow the author please visit her personal blog at www.perolasparaaalma.com, and follow on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter an Wattpad.

Lídia Craveiro, sometimes write with a pen name (Ambra Blanchett)

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Em 1941, Lisboa era uma cidade perigosa...
“Finais do séc. XVIII em Portugal, na planície alentejana. Isabel Rebelo, segunda filha de um morgado, ingressa no convento por ordem paterna para evitar dar-lhe um dote.
Quando se confunde a linguagem do sexo com a linguagem do amor, o destino está traçado.
Núria é uma viúva, jovem e bonita, que assume a gestão da adega desde que o marido faleceu
