Katrina Bowlin-MacKenzie (author)

I am a multi-genre writer. With nine children's books, two spiritual books, a paranormal romance and the new one is a detective book.

Katrina bowlin-mackenzie

My name is Katrina Bowlin-MacKenzie

I am the mother of 5 grown children, grandmother of 12 and great grandmother of 7.

I am a strong advocate against violence to anyone or any being. I speak out against child abuse, being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, abuse against women, and abuse of animals.

I am a Psychic Counselor, Teacher, Healer, Author and Herbalist.

American born, I now live between the US and the UK with my British husband.

I have written and published the following books.

Ancient Echoes- paranormal romance (adult content)

3 Editions

Current Sales Rank: #1,476,512 in Kindle Store Average Review: (5 reviews) 

Beginner's Guide To Psychic Development- spiritual book

2 editions

Current Sales Rank: #1001 in Kindle Store Average Review: There are no reviews yet

This is the second edition of this book, the first one was through a publisher who then went out of business, so I republished it, with many new things included.

Sacred Fire of Twin-flames - Spiritual book

2 Editions

Current Sales Rank: #367,958 in Kindle Store

8 current reviews

The Keeper (A Novella) - detective book (adult content)

2 editions

#483 in Kindle Store

3 current reviews

and nine children's books all in 2 editions, paperback and kindle.

A Fairy Tale

Bluen Island

The Secret

Missing Lissa

Honor's Magical Imagination

Brooke's Magical Adventure

Lizzy The Reluctant Princess



My best selling book is Sacred Fire of Twin-flames.

My detective book, The Keeper is the first in a series.








User links: Website Facebook Twitter Amazon Goodreads


The Fairies teach a little girl how to believe in herself
She could hear and feel a heavy body thud onto the bed above her. Breathing, a raspy breathing, so loud it was deafening.
The book is written informally and starts off with learning the Tarot, to the properties of stones, The Pendulum, The Chakras, The Aura, Meditation and Healing.
It teaches children to accept that which is different
Brooke has a magical adventure, in her dream
A little girl who talks to ghosts
Quotes and affirmations to enhance your daily life
A very special little boy lets his imagination soar to magical places.
The princess who did not want to be a princess.
A Fairy tale that follows the loss of a beloved child who returns with many magical gifts to share.
A Twin-flame, a perfect mate. Who doesn't want to find that? Read this book to see inside the private world of several Twin-flame couples.
Two sister get into mischief
A women abducted by a Satanic cult is terriorized
Teaching a little boy to overcome his fears
