Jaleta Clegg (author)

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SF Adventure, High Fantasy, and Silly Horror

Jaleta clegg

I write speculative fiction - science fiction adventure, high fantasy, steampunk fantasy, and silly horror. To date, I have twelve novels, three collections of short stories, and many short stories published. I'd love to reach non-English audiences.

Book titles:

Science Fiction - The Fall of the Altairan Empire series: Nexus Point, Priestess of the Eggstone, Poisoned Pawn, Kumadai Run, Cold Revenge, Jericho Falling, Obsidian Tears, Chain of Secrets, An Indecent Proposal, Phoenix in Flames, and Redemption.

Steampunk Fantasy - Dark Dancer

Short Story Collections (crosses all genres) - Brain Candy, Soul Windows, Autumn Visions

Reading should be fun, so should writing. I've got many other projects in the works for all age ranges and in all speculative genres.

User links: Website Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Amazon Goodreads


Silly horror short stories written by Jaleta Clegg
Betrayed by her crew, hunted by the natives, wanted by drug smugglers, Dace has one hope of survival - the Patrol agent hunting her.
Pursued by the Targon Crime Syndicate bent on revenge, the Patrol intent on recruitment, and the Sessimoniss who want their god back, the last thing Captain Dace needs is a handsome copilot with romance on his mind.
Ten short stories ranging from silly fantasy to serious sci-fi
