Gustavo Kinrys (author)

Harvard Teacher looking for a Portuguese translator and partner

Gustavo kinrys

Gustavo Kinrys, M.D. is a graduate from the Mayo Clinic and the Massachusetts General Hospital. He is the Associate Medical Director of the MGH Clinical Trials Network and Institute (CTNI), and a member of the Bipolar Clinic and Research Program (BCRP), Massachusetts General Hospital. In addition, Dr. Kinrys has been a faculty at Harvard Medical School for over 15 years. Dr. Kinrys has published over 100 articles, reviews and posters, has been a recipient of numerous awards, and has delivered lectures in national and international forums. His areas of interest include treatment resistant depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders, development of novel pharmacologic agents and diagnostic tools for mood and anxiety disorders, cross-cultural and minority issues in clinical trials, and applications of natural remedies and new technologies alone and combined with conventional pharmacologic therapies for treatment-refractory patients.


A quick consult style book for individuals who prefer to try a natural or alternative solution prior to pursuing conventional treatments such as medications.
