I'm Graziela. Professionally speaking I am a psychologist, speaker, and I'm starting a writing career. I have recently launched my first book called "Journeys of a Psychology in Crisis". I sold more than 1000 copies alone. It was an independent production. Some months ago a publisher started to produce and sell it. I receive many emails and messagens from people who really love the book, so I know it has great potencial. Now I want it to be translated in many other languages. I already have the english version, but am looking forward to see the book in many languages.
Now some biographical information.
I always liked to travel and in my development as a teenager, I traveled to many places. I enjoyed meeting new ways of being and living. I liked it so much that I made three cultural exchanges staying with three different families.
I wanted in these experiences, to feel more integrated into the world.
When choosing a profession, I thought about being an anthropologist, but the scene I imagined in the future was tiresome: A field anthropologist who traveled and wrote. It would be lovely too, but I wanted to get married, have a family, have a fixed ground and this profession seemed incompatible with my adult desires. Psychology would be something interesting, where I would study the most secret questions about the human being and might even help them in their psychological development.
Currently I see private patients, lecture on personal development, write and keep travelling.
Title | Info |
A journey to India, and to the dephs of the soul